Party Photography Lytham St Annes | Lois's 90th Birthday


Party Photography Lytham St Annes | Lois's 90th Birthday

Yep, you read it right.  Here's Lois at the ripe old age of 90 celebrating her birthday with her family and close friends.  Lois invited us down to capture the day and provide her with memories of this special occasion.  Not for a second would you think she was 90, quick witted; light on her feet and full of legendary stories.  Here's a few of our favourites (images, not stories.  They were too explicit!)


Party Photography Manchester | Tashi's Bat Mitzvah


Party Photography Manchester | Tashi's Bat Mitzvah

Last weekend we were at the delightful Place Aparthotel in Manchester to cover Tashi's Bat Mitzvah.  This was a mind blowing event, themed around the Oscars and oozing class. Here's a small selection of images from the event.  Mazel Tov (I'll be honest I had to Google that)


Party Photography Manchester | Sage Financial's Xmas Party


Party Photography Manchester | Sage Financial's Xmas Party

This one was our last job before Santa rocked up and it wasn't half a good un.  It was Sage's Xmas Party and we've got quite familiar with the faces at this one as we've covered it for the last three years.  Anyway, grab a glass of port, maybe even have a nibble on some cheese, sit back and have a look at some of the highlights.   


Event Photography Manchester | Arrow Global PLC | The Lowry


Event Photography Manchester | Arrow Global PLC | The Lowry

Last Thursday we were at the delightful Lowry Theatre in Manchester, providing our event photography services for another Xmas Party.  This time it was Arrow Global PLC’s annual shenanigans. The guests started the night in the Promenade Gallery, which are currently running an exhibition called ‘Behind the Mask’.  The gallery was therefore housing hundreds of incredible portrait shots of all the Oscar winners over the years and really did make an impressive backdrop for their champagne reception.  A few glasses were had and they went up to the impressive Compass Room for dinner and to sink a few more shandies.  Superb night and here’s a few of our favourite shots.  Enjoy my mince pie eating friends.


Corporate Xmas Event Photography Manchester | Slattery's


Corporate Xmas Event Photography Manchester | Slattery's

It’s that time of year again!  Corporate Xmas Party time, where your skinflint boss sticks his hand in his (or her) pocket and puts on a bit of a do for all the hard work, facebooking and gossiping you’ve done for the preceding 12 months.  Most get more drunk than they would on any other night of the year because the boss is paying, Margaret from payroll ends up snogging Derek from Accounts and somebody tells the boss what they really think of them.  What’s not to love?!  Anyway, we’ve covered quite a number of these this year and we bloody love em!  This one was Slatterys, Manchester’s premier Patissiers and Chocolatiers and they didn’t half put on a shindig.  Here’s a few, enjoy you festive little humans. 

Photographer// Eddy Gosht


Event Photography Cheshire | Poppy's Christening


Event Photography Cheshire | Poppy's Christening

Here she is, it's little poppy. Just one year old and thankfully didn't have to witness any of this black Friday sales madness I did yesterday whilst popping to Asda for my lunch time butty! Anyway, I digress. Sunday gone, I headed to the beautiful village of Higher Walton in Cheshire to cover her christening. There was no coverage of the ceremony, purely formats after, followed by some reportage coverage at the party at their gorgeous cottage. Here's a few of them. Enjoy.


The Christening of Amelia May | St Chads | Poulton-le-Fylde

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The Christening of Amelia May | St Chads | Poulton-le-Fylde

Last Sunday we nipped out to our local.  Church that is, not pub.  We had a job to do and that job was to photograph the gorgeous Amelia May at her Christening at our local church, St Chads.  I've known Amelia's Mum, Natalie for a number of years and it was good to catch up again and be introduced to her beautiful children.  After the ceremony we captured a few formals of Natalie's friends and family, before nipping down the road for a jolly good knees up.  Here's a few of my favorites.

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Alex's 21st Hootenanny | Stanley House | The Ribble Valley


Alex's 21st Hootenanny | Stanley House | The Ribble Valley

Last Thursday, we ventured off to Stanley House Hotel to cover Alex's 21st.  Lovely lad with a great family who'd come down from Scotland to celebrate this special occasion with him.  Entertainment was provided by the superb six15events, with DaxonSax smashing the roof off and giving everybody a lesson on how to 'own' a saxophone.  Here's a few of my favorites from this event.  Enjoy, but most of all enjoy your weekends my little friends.


Party Photography Manchester | Great John Street Hotel


Party Photography Manchester | Great John Street Hotel

Last Saturday we were off to what I consider the best hotel in Manchester, the amazing Great John Street.  We were there to provide coverage of Lee & Maria's joint 40th birthday celebrations.  Lee & Maria live in Dubai and traveled home to celebrate their birthdays with their friends and family in Manchester at this incredible venue.  

Here's a small selection of candids from what was an awesome event.

Photographer // Eddy Gosht


Black Tie Event Photography | Imperial Hotel | Blackpool


Black Tie Event Photography | Imperial Hotel | Blackpool

Black Tie Ball at the Imperial Hotel, Blackpool, raising money for Blackpool Vic's Cardiac Unit

Black Tie Ball at the Imperial Hotel, Blackpool, raising money for Blackpool Vic's Cardiac Unit

On Saturday we were at the Imperial Hotel in Blackpool to provide our black tie event photography services to help raise money for an incredibly worthy cause; the Cardiac Unit at Blackpool Victoria Hospital. 

The event was put on by Denise, the mother of a young Blackpool lad called Louie who suffered from a cardiac arrest aged just 22.  The Cardiac Unit were amazing with Louie and he’s now back to full health and back to what he enjoys most, playing football in the Blackpool & Alliance Sunday league.  Having played in that league, it’s his legs he should be worried about now!

We attended the event completely free of charge and donated £70.00 of the print sales straight to the Cardiac Unit.  If you have a black tie event coming up to raise money for a charity close to your heart, why not contact us and get us booked in.  We’ll attend for free and donate 25% of print sales to your chosen charity.  It really is a no-brainer.    


Indian Event Photography Manchester | Mandva Murat


Indian Event Photography Manchester | Mandva Murat

As a rule, Mondays are a dull affair.  So here we are with some colourful vivid images to brighten up your day.  We recently covered a pre-wedding celebration for Michael and his stunning bride to be, Janki.  One day prior to their big event, Michael was also holding a 'Mandra Murat', which he asked us to cover.  The Mandra Murat is a religious ceremony to bring good luck and prosperity to both the families.  As you can see, this is an amazing event, full of fun, laughter and loads of colour!  Here's a few of our favourite shots from the day.


Party Photography Manchester | Michael & Janki's Pre-Wedding Party


Party Photography Manchester | Michael & Janki's Pre-Wedding Party

On Saturday we headed to Manchester to cover Michael & Janki's Pre-Wedding Party.  This was a huge get together for all their family and friends to celebrate their forthcoming wedding. This was a great event, full of life, vibrant colours, awesome food and top notch people.  Tomorrow, we're also covering another pre-wedding family celebration for Michael & Jenki, then on Saturday it's the big day!  Have an amazing wedding day guys and we hope you enjoy your images!


Party Photography Ramsbottom | Julie's 40th Part Deux


Party Photography Ramsbottom | Julie's 40th Part Deux

A few weeks ago we covered part one of Julie's 40th ... the boozy part. Julie invited us back to cover the second part of her birthday at her beautiful home surrounded by friends and family and her pet cat.  Amazing human beings these lot, accommodating, welcoming and easy on the lens. Here's my favorites. Happy birthday Julie and let me know when Part Three is !


Christening Photography | St Marys | Nantwich | Cheshire


Christening Photography | St Marys | Nantwich | Cheshire

We covered a christening recently in the stunning town of Nantwich, Cheshire.  It was the christening of the ridiculously cute Lily Rose, such a little beauty.  The ceremony took place at St Mary's right in the heart of the town, and the celebration after was at The Residence, one of the nicest venues I've even been to.  To celebrate the christening of little Lily, the guests had a vintage mad hatter themed tea party, which finished the day off to perfection.  Here's a few of my favourite images from the day.


Party Photography | Julie's 40th | Ramsbottom | Lancashire


Party Photography | Julie's 40th | Ramsbottom | Lancashire

On Saturday night we headed down to Ramsbottom to cover Julie's 40th.  The party was being held at the idyllic Eagle & Child; a beautiful country pub, with the most incredible beer garden I've ever seen.  The weather was gorgeous, the guests mingled, drank and were entertained perfectly by the mesmerising magic of Chris Hurst.  If you're holding an event and looking for a magician, the literally don't come in higher regard than this guy.  Anyway, enough of my ramblings, here's a few of my favourite images from the evening.  Julie, happy birthday and enjoy!


Prom Photography Rochdale | Siddal Moor Sports College


Prom Photography Rochdale | Siddal Moor Sports College

Last Friday we made our way to The Mercure Hotel in Rochdale to cover another prom.  This time it was the turn of Siddal Moor Sports College.  We provided the school with our all inclusive package; this allows all the students to download their images securely from our client gallery after the event for free.  We've noticed the majority of proms going this way this year, with the requirement for digital images far surpassing the need for a physical print, no doubt caused by the impact of the multitude of social media platforms currently available.  Anyway, whatever the client wants, the client gets!

We captured a few shots of the arrival of the students - this part of the night is proper wacky these days, almost mirroring the grand scale of the proms you see in the states.  Limos, Bentleys, Rolls Royce, you name it, they all rocked up in style.  We then captured some formals for the kids and we had a right crack in the process.  Here's a few of the shots peeps, enjoy my blog reading friends.
